30% Tax Credit Reinstated
For Geothermal Heating, Cooling, & Hot Water Systems Arronco Comfort Air is pleased to inform you of the recent success for homeowners. The Continuing Resolution spending bill signed by President Trump in the early morning hours Friday, February 9, 2018, includes a measure to extend the tax credits for the industry-both residential and commercial for geothermal heating, cooling, & hot water systems. The credits for geothermal, which initially expired December 31, 2016, have been extended to December 31, 2021. They’ll remain at 30% until December 31, 2019, at which point they’ll begin a phase-out. For 2020, the credit will move to 26%, and in 2021 the final incentive will be 22%. The tax credit for geothermal was also made retroactive for all ...
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