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When to Prepare Your HVAC Unit for the Heating Season

The leaves are starting to turn, and there is no time like the present to make sure your home’s heating system is ready for the cool weather that’s descending on the region. If you haven’t already turned on your heat, there is not much time left before you’ll need it to keep the chill away. In the days and weeks ahead, the team at Arronco Comfort Air recommends you do the following to prepare your system for fall and winter.

Arronco Comfort Air can help prepare your home’s HVAC system for the cooler months ahead. Contact us (859) 525-6407, and we will schedule a time for our certified HVAC technicians to visit your home.  

Fall Preparation

The first thing you should do is check and change your air filters. Summer debris, including pollen, dust, and pet dander, can clog your filters, which decreases the efficiency of your heating systems. Moreover, this debris can build up and recirculate throughout your home, which can exacerbate breathing problems during cold and flu season.

Similarly, you should clean your registers and make sure your ductwork is clean, sealed, and functioning properly. It is also advisable that you check doors and windows for drafts and seal any gaps with the appropriate caulk, sealant, tape, etc. so that your home doesn’t bleed hot air throughout the winter.

You will also want to test your system by setting your thermostat a few degrees higher. Make sure the system kicks on and delivers the appropriate temperature within a reasonable time. You will also want to make sure the system maintains that temperature.

Finally, schedule seasonal maintenance. It is important to have certified HVAC technicians perform a thorough inspection and tune-up of your heating system. This will help protect you against system failure. It will also help improve your home’s heating system’s energy efficiency, which can save you a bundle when the last leaves have fallen from the trees.

Arronco Comfort Air can perform a thorough HVAC inspection and tune-up of your home’s heating systems. Call us at (859) 525-6407, or contact us online for assistance with your seasonal maintenance checks.

Additional Steps You Can Take

It is never too late to upgrade your home’s heating systems. Installing better filters can go a long way towards improving indoor air quality and increasing airflow through your heating systems. This can help you breathe easier throughout the seasons and won’t leave you gasping for air when you open your monthly utility bills.

Installing a smart thermostat is another step you can take to trim your utility bills down to size. This will not only make it easier to control the temperature in your home, but it also makes it possible to adjust the temperature while you are away so that you are not wasting energy when you don’t need it.

Finally, if your home’s HVAC system is nearing the end of its serviceable life, there are many rebates and incentives available to purchase newer, more energy-efficient models. Installing a new HVAC system is an investment that will pay dividends in both comfort and cost savings. Our team can help you choose a heating system that is properly sized and ideally suited for your needs and desired level of comfort.

Arronco Comfort Air is ready to help you prepare your home’s heating systems for the fall and winter months. For heating system tune-ups and maintenance, contact us online or call us at (859) 525-6407.

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