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Summer HVAC Tips

With summer in full swing, it’s important to be thinking about the things you can do around the house to keep your air conditioning unit at its peak.

When you work to keep your HVAC unit maintained throughout the season, you can save more money on your utility bill and prevent costly repairs. If you are trying to avoid replacing your unit, you can help keep it going for years to come by ensuring it won’t be overloaded or overworked unnecessarily.

For HVAC maintenance, repairs, or replacements near you, contact Arronco Comfort Air by calling (859) 525-6407.

Here are some ways to ensure that your HVAC system will stay running efficiently throughout the summer:

Check the Filter

The first thing to do is to check the air filter. It’s important to regularly check and replace your air filter once a month. You may need to clean or replace your filter more frequently if you have pets in your home.

Once you have a fresh or newly cleaned air filter, your HVAC unit won’t have any dust or dirt blocking or restricting the cool air from circulating freely throughout your home.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Another good way to help keep your energy bills from rising is to install a programmable thermostat. With newer technologies, you can customize your air conditioning schedule even when you aren’t home.

Maximize Air Flow With Fans

Adding different kinds of fans throughout your home can make a huge difference in the comfort and feel of the air inside. Here are some options: ceiling fans, tabletop fans, and floor fans.

Ceiling fans are a great option because they can keep the excess heat from rising to the higher levels of your home.

Ensure the Vents Aren’t Blocked

To ensure that the airflow in your home is at maximum efficiency, check that all of your vents are set to open – don’t close them in attempts to cut off AC to unused areas, as it is not a smart way to save energy. Make sure there aren’t rugs or furniture in the way of vents or grilles so that the air can freely circulate into your home and back into the air conditioning system.

Install Whole-House Dehumidifiers

Whole-house dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from the air as it cycles through your HVAC system. While air conditioners help with dehumidification to some extent, the summer humidity levels are often too high for them to efficiently tackle on their own.

Choose Arronco Comfort Air for HVAC Maintenance

For summer HVAC maintenance tune-ups and assistance when your cooling system isn’t working properly, contact Arronco Comfort Air. Our air conditioning company is able to provide the specialized services you need.

Arronco’s HVAC technicians near you will visit quickly to perform needed services that keep you cool all summer long – contact us today by calling (859) 525-6407

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